New Jack City

"Drugs ain't a black thing, or a white thing. It's a death thing. Death don't give a shit about color." - Nick Peretti Forewarning: Spoiler Alert! Hi, friends! Welcome to the third installment of "Throwback Thursday." I missed you last week, but I had to postpone writing due to first-week-of-school shenanigans. However, in the legendary words of Chance the Rapper, "We back!" Before we get to the meat of this post, I have a question for you. What do you remember about the late 1980s/early 1990s? If you're my age, probably nothing because I wasn't born until 1995. However, for older generations, this time was marked by drugs, police brutality and extreme poverty in some areas of the U.S. While this period sounds bleak, there was something good that came out of it. That "thing" is New Jack City . If you read my first two blog posts you'll know that New Jack City is a lot grittier than the previous films I...